Friday 20 December 2013

The Proposal

We never dated....
We were not even girlfriend/boyfriend.
We knew each other for less den a month when he proposed.

Yes, less den a month of knowing each other Wak Jawa proposed to me! Berani eh ni anak...haha!

Well here's how it happened.

I had a dream. In my dream, I was surrounded by my parents and elder sis...yes, surrounded eh! They were talking things like "ingat, da kawin ni byk dugaan nye" "kau skrng da jadi seorang isteri, dengar cakap suami, jaga makan minum dan pakaian suami" 
You know lah kan...all those pesanan dari orang tua to someone who just got married...
*huh? aku da kawin eh? siapa suami aku siol?*
So after kena hang with all the pesanan, I went into my room to solat...while tengah solat and coming to the last rakaat, my 'husband' came in the room and he was looking out the window....
I finished my prayers and immediately went to him (yelah, nak tau jugak siapa she suami ku!)
I tapped him on the shoulder and asked "excuse me, are u my husband?" eh..aper peh soalan eh! kekek per..but hey, its a dream mah, i cant control it..haha!
My 'husband' turned and........TADA!!!! its Wak Jawa!!! (damn! ingatkan Taufik Batisah kaper!)
He replied "Yes, I am.."
So before we went to bed he said "besok kita jumpa mak dgn ayah saya k?"
I nodded and both turn in to sleep...
The next day, we reached his house.....
In my dream, he stayed at a HDB house at level 1.....rumah tingkat bawah where the entrance door steps is high.
After beri salam, both his parents went to the door and he introduced me...
"mak, Khalilah, isteri saya..."
Both his parents are shocked! They didnt even know that he was married....
His mum merajuk and went in even without acknowledging me but his dad was nice. I salam him and he asked me to come in....
I woke up straightaway......

What a weird dream eh......

I immediately called Wak Jawa.....ceritakan dia and guess wat was his reply????
"Amin kepada mimpi awak..."
eh eh ni mamat......aper yg nak amin kan? bukan nyer aku ada hati kat kau pon (seriously, i do not have feelings for him)

and then he popped the question....(on the phone eh...)
"khalilah, saya betul2 nak memperisterikan awak....."

I brushed him off....
i changed subject.....
aper siak ni jantan? belom kenal aku betul2 da nak kawin...giler kaper???????
he asked me again....but i ignored him....

whatever lah mamat....aku baru kene tinggal dengan ex aku aleh2 dekni nak carik pasal plak nak ajak kawin? aku baru nak mula hidup baru konon nak single mingle dating2 dekni da melamar! aku baru nak perangai stalker carik Taufik Batisah tinggal maner sebab nak ajak dia date dekni nak masok meminang......hahahaha!!!
Guess what, Wak Jawa tak give up k!

on 30th January 2012.......

Wak Jawa just came back from work at midnight, he was in the afternoon shift that day when he said that he wanna talk to me on the, i waited for him to settle down and we chatted. While chatting, he popped the question again. And this time, he was being serious. Kakak pon start ah serious business dgn dekni...
I asked him a lot of questions..some of them were..

1. You do not even know me..why do u wanna get married?
2. Are you running away from something? Are you in debt or what?
3. Why should I accept ur proposal?
4. Are you willing to accept me for who i am now and forget about my past?

There's alot more but I shall not mention all lah kan..haha!
I told him "saya nyer perangai burok tau lagik2 klau menses....awak boleh ker tahan?"
eh....of course ah kene terus terang dulu.....
Alhamdulillah he accepted lor....
but 1 thing that made me say YES to the proposal is when he said...
"Khalilah, saya betul2 nak memperisterikan awak...saya hormat awak sebagai seorang wanita dan bakal ibu kepada anak2 saya...saya tak akan sentuh awak sehingga kita nikah..."

Masya Allah! 

Double Yes!!!!!!!!

After we hang up the phone I, bukan nak doa untuk mintak petunjuk if he is the one...instead in my doa I said...
"Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan ku, jika benar dialah bakal imam ku, aku terima..."
and I cried......sebab sayu sgt.......after that, things progressed, Alhamdulillah....

The next day, I slept over my sis place and spent my countdown to 2013 with my lovely nieces....
Wak Jawa said that he wanna meet me the next day, which is already 01 Januay 2013....yeay!!!!

A surprise visit happened on 01 January 2013...wanna noe wat? 
Read up my next blog..!!!!

~Princess Boyan Signing Off~

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