Thursday 29 October 2015

The Nikah (Friday) 20th March 2015

The Mini Dais for Nikah :)
Very simple right? DIY jer..hehe...
The kerusi and bunga are from Saiful Imran Deco.

We added purple butterfly as it will be too plain to just have the white lantern hanging..whee!

The day came and I still have no jitters in me....weird?
I have always imagined myself being the super nervous bride, having cold sweat and needing to hold someone's hand while watching the husband lafaz the nikah but...erm......when the day finally arrived, I was so calm.
Everyone was asking through whatsapp, FB inbox and all my sedara who were helping kept on questioning the same thing -
"Amacam....da rasa gementar? "nervous tak?" bla bla bla.....
when I told them I still rasa mcm biasa jer, some still can't believe...what? Aku nak tipu korang buat apa? buat dosa jer..hehe....

Forget that......Yaya came exactly as promised (Peti Solek memang punctual..I like!)
So excited gitu eh sebab suke muka ku diconteng oleh orang2 yang ahli....dari burok to princess....kau ada?

While she was halfway done with the make up, was surprised that Rizal and Syahruz from Bliss came in my room...woah...all so happy!

Those who took Peti Solek (Esp Yaya) would know that she memang gerek and kekek gila lah!

Asek ketawa2 je.....


Rizal had another assistant with him (yes, don't miss every moment ok? hehe) Syahruz was busy snapping here and there while I was ensuring that I wasnt on my resting face (i have resting bitch face) my friends all da warning for me to keep on smiling on my big day so as to avoid people thinking that I am unhappy...
(Even till now Hubby asks me if I'm mad when I'm seriously ok, padahal I was just having my own time reading some news on the Iphone...what???! don't blame my face for that ok?)

See, I told ya....tak senyum jer muka mintak kene jitak.

ah..another one of my resting face. bleargh!!!

Slowly one by one my cousins came in.....and all excited giler when they saw how different I looked. thankful for Yaya's magic hands :)

I called out to my mum to let her see the overall look and she loved it but only commented that my lipstick a lil pale (klau da makcik2 kan..colour make up harus outstanding gitu hehehe! budak2 muda skrg mana lah nak pakai lipstick merah for nikah seh)

Received whatsapp from Wak Jawa that their side is gonna be late.....and yes, they were 30mins late. To the extend that the Kadi had reached 1st....bleargh!
Speaking about Kadi, Ustaz Maarof wasn't the kadi that we chose, Initially it was Ustaz Mohd Khair but a week before the date, he had messaged Wak Jawa that he has some matters to attend to hence he had Ustaz Maarof as the replacement. I am fine with both coz Ustaz Mohd Khair was the one who officiate my elder sis nikah and Ustas Maarof was the one who officiate my younger sis nikah ceremony. And we like them both because Ustaz Mohd Khair is very ringkas with his tazkirah and he don't really waste time byk berbual furthermore he very soft spoken. Ustaz Maarof plak have that Fatherly when he speaks, all dengar gitu..hehe..
Now back to my story....
Ustaz Maarof Bin Haji Mohamad reached!

I went out to be at my seat 1st coz later when the guy's side dtg kan leceh nanti, dalah ramai org abeh nak kene langkah2 orang to get to the Dais.

Please note that I still don't have any jittery, nervous feeling yet.

When Wak Jawa came, My cousins and Bridesmaids stood infront of me just to cover me..konon nyer jadi he cannot see me yet until he is properly seated down gitu...hehe!
And once he is seated, all of them also seated and that is where Wak Jawa looked at me.....
teeeehhheeeee..........jap lagi da nak jadi bini orang lah sey!

He looked "oh so handsome!!" 
So bermula lah those exchange of words bla bla bla (I dont need to explained in details kan?)
His uncle, Wak Lan represented their side (In Brown) While my dad's childhood friend, Cik Lan represent my side.

I seriously dunnoe what we are laughing about but this shot by Syahruz is Awesome!

This is where Wak Jawa is seated...platform is also by Saiful Imran :)

Please note, aku maseh blom feeling nervous k.

So, its time to proceed with the Akad Nikah

Dengan sekali lafaz, we are Husband and Wife..Masya Allah.

Kadi sempat tau advise "jaga isteri dan rumahtangga baik2"
Muka excited siak! hahahahaha....

Right after he da lafaz, all my side went "woohoooooo..!!" serious!
Yang Pengantin tak nangis tau, tapi Mak2 pengantin yang nangis..hehehe....yes, both our Mother's cried.
So after kita sah jadi suami isteri, Wak Jawa went to salam both parents before meeting me :)

I dunnoe why but when Wak Jawa finally came to me I feel so shy......wahahahahhaa!!!!
Shy kaper?? sepak baru tau eh? LOL!
salam salaman.....

putting for me the Mas Kawin :)

Right after, one of his niece came forward and handed us a lil gift.

She gave a Teddy Bear being in a form of a bouquet with Famous Amos cookies...suke!
Sudah Halal lah seh!

We had a quick photo taking with the direct family members as we had to change to our 2nd outfit and then proceeded to the reception area for the Tepung Tawar session and then continue with photo taking session with the rest of the guests.

With both our parents <3
My kecoh family..huahuahua!
My In laws :)

Ini selfie penting ok, Konon 1st selfie as Husband and Wife gitu..

Changed to my second outfit (our own outfit) Yaya helped me with the simple hairdo and she had to leave after sad! I wish she could stay longer but since I'm not wearing her outfit and that the service I took with her is done :(
Aper lagik, we took pic with her for memory sake, Insya Allah klau jodoh kita ketemu lagi yer Yaya?
Much misses to you and thank you once again for making me pretty!

 And kita pon march down the aisle.

Once we are seated, Cik Lan started off by reciting some surahs and doa for us newlyweds.

Another resting bitch face moment captured...bleargh. I'm happy ok? I'm seriously happy.

Kusyuk betol eh Wak Jawa doa...aku kat tepi masih in dreamy land "btol ke aku da kawin?"

My nenek starts off 1st

Followed by my Daddy

Ni part mak aku kekek! Part cium telur, dia ketap gigi and cakap "cepat2 dpt anak"

MIL :)

FIL :)
After that all the rest of the guests started to take picure with us....I'll just share some yah ;)

Wak Jawa hates it when his brother tried to kiss him. Nyahaha!

The Groom's men and Bridesmaids

My Uncle from Pulau Bawean came all the way to my Big day..aww so touched.

And after that pengantin pulak strike some pose on the pelamin (All awesome shots by Syahruz)
Everyone was complimenting that the Dais is so gorgeous.
(You all know right that it isn't my choice actually, it's my Mum's)
Makcik suka seh.....walaoeh!

And with that, End of the Solemnization Ceremony for #faililahweds.
Shall continue on the Sanding session on my next post.

~Princess Boyan Signing Off~

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