Monday 19 May 2014

Photoshoot consideration

We met with Syahrul (our photographer) to confirm on our photoshoot. We have decided to have it 3 months before the wedding. Peti Solek also have confirm that they can assist us with the photoshoot..Alhamdulillah!

Below are the proposed venues that we are thinking of having....still in discussion though.

1st Venue - Changi Airport
Wak Jawa mati matian wants to take at the airport because that is where we both used to work. And if its not because of the airport, he wouldn't have met me (no...its takdir ok selenger, bukan kerana airport or what....hehe, ok sorry!) I really, hate the idea of having it at the airport coz slalu ketawa2 kan the couples yang photoshoot at airport "aper lah ada kat airport nie eh.." LOL! I mean, 6 years i was working at the airport, da jelak ok! haha! I really bangkang when Wak Jawa wanted the Airport and he list down the reasons too...and lastly he says "awak, this is about the both of us kan, u already choose 1 location, y cant I choose the other location? u cannot always think of u only tau..."
OK FINE.....sayang punya pasal, we both I compromise. Additional to that, Wak Jawa is the kinda guy yang tak leh tahan panas, so having it at the airport would at least save my ear from bleeding caused by his grumble when he is in his rimas mode. But den, as I googled on wedding photo shoots at the airport, its quite nice seh.....oops!
I shall leave it in the hands of our photographer, Syahruz to do his magical click click :)
See below pics for some shots at the airport :)

2nd Venue - Lower Seletar
As December is the rainy season....I am hoping that the rain won't come on just that particular day...errr or maybe just half a day..hehe! Kita berdoa yer...
I fell in love with this pic that I saw and since it was taken by Bliss, I asked Syahrul if he knew where the place is by showing the photo and he said "eh...ini gambar saya ni....this was taken in 2012 sey.."
Haha..ok great, at least we know the venue...wohooo...!! I was in love with the tree honestly! The tree macam ala ala cerita notebook kinda feel, the tree macam have that deep feeling, the tree of love, the tree looks like if i were to publish my own book, this tree is gonna be the cover for my book.....the diam lah sia! the tree pergi the tree balek...haha!! I was telling Wak Jawa about this venue and this particular tree when he say "I hope the tree is cut down by the time its our photoshoot time..haha!" eh!! biadap kan ni orang...hmph! coz he wanted to take all the shoots in he airport...gggrrr!!!

3rd Venue - Bidadari
This place is indeed unique. I love how the surrounding looks like and im sure the whole thing is gonna look pretty in pictures. But one thing is, its BIDADARI lah siol! Ok, so far the people who have taken there Alhamdulillah have had no issues, but i am just preparing for the 'WHAT Ifs' lah kan. My bridesmaid Ziedah, ada lemah semangat siket, in the case I need her to follow me for my photoshoot there, skali dier buat perangai...tak ker nanti laki dia da carik aku...hehe!
Dear Farhana from kahwin khronicles, now hello khronicles maaf yer saya curik ur pics for example :)

4th Venue - Botanical Garden
Im sure by now you all would have noticed that I am in love with greenery!!!
Oww yess I am! Coz it really gives me this feeling of ease...ahh, mother nature :)
Hence this place is one of the 'chosen' ones. 
(must selit the photoshoot me and my girlfriends did years back..LOL)

We initially wanted this photoshoot to be only the 2 of us when Wak Jawa mentioned that he had the idea of having the bridesmaids and bestman in the photoshoot as well (I think he must have seen some  pictures online lah). He also said "u tengok eh...the photoshoot package we take have 60 shots...abeh tak kan 60 shots tu semua gambar kita kan....boring lah kan klau kasi orang tengok.."
Ah ah eh.....yer tak yer jugak!

Jeng Jeng Jeng.........the next entry would be about - 'If our Bridesmaids & Bestmen are gonna be in the photoshoot?'

Watch this space ok?

I shall update soon!!!

~Princess Boyan Signing Off~

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