Sunday 23 February 2014

Our Team - Part 2

Now with the Part 2 :)

Mak Andam - Dliska Touch (Sanding Sat & Sun)
                  Peti Solek (Nikah & Pre Wed)
Henna - Rafeah's Traditional Henna Services
(Actually its DIY, my aunt apply for me tapi i nak make it
sound professional, kasi lah credit to my auntie kan!)

Ok I know......Why 2 mak andams kan? tamak sgt kan? haha!!
I really2 love Dliska Touch because I have seen her make up on my childhood friend and that I just love home based mak andams...furthermore, Kak Ida, is a veteran with more den 15 years in the business...
Her make up is simple....nothing busy lah mcm wayang pekji gitu...
her baju also not bad and her cost is very affordable :)
But was sad to hear that she no longer taking for 2016 as she wants to stop and retire...

The week after I got engaged, I quickly call Kak Ida and spoke to her....she is so down to earth! Told her that I would like to make an appointment with her and meet her (ni semua case tanak hegeh2, nak dtg tros sign confirmation)
We came by her place in Teck Whye and was lead to a room where all her bridal collections and wedding albums are placed. I asked Kak Ida questions and she replied to all sincerely.
During that time, I did not know if my nikah were to be on a Friday or on Saturday hence I told Kak Ida that I am now confirming for my Sanding on Sat & Sun so I confirm on the package and I was a happy girl.

For my Nikah I was intending to don on the tudung so I must ensure that the tudung must be very modern and up to date...
tanak lah pakai tudung yang letak rende2 plus veil plus crown...busy kaper??? oh no!!

Luckily Kak Ida does offer very2 nice muslimah outfit..yeay!!!

Now just awaiting for the next meet up with our parents to really confirm on the majlis nikah and once confirm will let Kak Ida know.

So....the nikah day has been concluded and both parents agreed to do it on a Friday and just when I was about to make another appointment to meet Kak Ida and confirm on the date.....a controversial news between a mak andam and a photographer went viral to which I checked that out. It was between Peti Solek and Golden Moments. Golden Moments have raised their unhappiness on their  FB page and rant on how Peti Solek is not being professional, bla bla bla....Peti Solek on the other hand is standing firm on their right and is being very professional on handling this issue. And during that time, I also 'stalk' lah their FB page and have a look at their baju2....and then I saw their muslimah outfit.......
**kakak teros call Wak Jawa nak ada 2 mak andam**
Seriously, how can one not fall in love with their muslimah outfit below siak????
tengok ah korang!!! lawa kan??!!!!!

So I quickly emailed them to check if they are available on my nikah date (feeling hopeful as it is a Friday) and I was actually quite nervous because they are almost booked for the year 2015 when I checked. 
So when they replied to me that the date that I enquired for is open, I went like this ...

Serious, I tak bedek k! Wanted to pekik "yeeeessssssaaaaaa!!!!!!!" but because I opened my personal email at work nanti client2 semua ingat aku giler...da kene buang kerja. Hahahahaa!!!!!

I quickly called Wak Jawa and told him that we will have to set an appointment date with the ladies and I told him that I will want to straightaway confirm on the booking. Yes, I was that confident. Haha! Wak Jawa relented lah because part2 Andaman all he serahkan tu me....he just follow the flow jer...

So I booked an appointment with the ladies at 730pm. Wak Jawa fetched me from work and we went straight to their place at  Jurong West.

So we met Yaya and Yana.....both are so the kekek giler lah! I like them coz they also talk2 merepek like me that's why we can click lah kan.,....Wak Jawa was there and diam jer....haha!!! But he did mentioned that he liked their baju all...

They explained to me on their packages...I don really wanna hear it lah bcoz I just want to sign jer!! tanak lah byk berbual bcoz my mind has already been set on Peti Solek! But kene lah understand on the things that I am about to sign kan so yeah..after I have confirmed on the booking and berbual sana sini pasal segala hal ehwal dunia, kita pon mintak diri lah kan...

The moment I stepped out of their giler+excited mode switched on! I went running to the lift with excitement like this -

Serious, tak bedek k! Wak Jawa da geleng2 kepala tengok kan si gemok ni lari ke lift smpai gitu skali...haha!!

So yeah..mak andam..sua settle!

Why DIY Henna?
Those who knows me, knows that I freaking love Henna! I love the smell (my best friend zda gonna slap me for this coz she freaking hate the smell..haha!) That is why for Henna, I am very, very particular about it. 
Because what I had noticed is that, the drawing kinda henna, we can remove it by just 'scraping' it. From what I know, henna will fade and cannot be 'scraped' to remove. All the while I've been using the 'inai mekkah' the henna will just fade and can never, ever be scraped. I dunnoe lah eh, just my own personal choice.
I just do not fancy those henna drawings on the hand, get this clear ok, I just do not fancy, not that I HATE them. I love Syraskins and Henna Bella designs....but im seriously not into it lah...I prefer the simple, traditional henna, just on the tip on my fingers, letak itu dot dot thing and the sun...I swear to you guys that my auntie can make very nice traditional henna...very cantik and rapi....look very2 traditional and guess what? She applied her own henna during her wedding! Thumbs up seh Cik Peah!
She did the Henna during my elder sis wedding and I really2 love it...
Below are just the kinda henna I like (pics not done by my aunt...its googled..hehe!)

~Princess Boyan Signing Off~


  1. Hello there!

    Saw that you book PS! Care to share the quotation? Tried emailing them but to no avail!! Can email me at

    Thank you in advance! :)

    1. Salam dear :)
      The quotation that I have is for the pre-wed packages. And I also took their service for my nikah because they had had no slot during my date. Would you like me to forward you the pre-wed package still? :)

  2. hi Norah, could you email me how much peti solek quote u the pricing. thankz :)
